Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Shutter Island Marketing Campaign-Trailer Analysis

Above is the trailer for the film 'Shutter Island'. It uses a variety of shots, the most common at the start of the trailer being extreme long shots to set the scene of which is the island and the boat sailing towards it. Long shots are used to portray different characters within 'shutter island' so the audience get an overall view of what kind of people stay there. Close ups and extreme close ups are used to show the characters facial expressions during different situations.
A variety of camera movements are also used. Tilts are used to show characters faces and the object infront of them. Allowing the audience to see what is going on. A zoom lense is used at the start of the trailer to zoom in through the gates as they open, giving the audience the same feeling as the character entering.
Throughout the trailer the main character 'Leonardo DiCaprio' is shown persistently to enhance the importance of his role.
The use of sound puts the audience on edge as to what is happening. For instance the beat increases speed or pitch during particular moments increasing the audiences heart rate and putting them on edge which is exactly what a thriller trailer aims to do.

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