Friday 26 November 2010

Planned Production Schedule

After creating the storyboard we could see that there where 4 main locations we needed to film at. As a group we came up with 4 tasks that would need to be completed during the production /filming. Using these 4 locations and 4 tasks we designed a production schedule which will have allowed us to all have an equal chance at doing all 4 tasks in all 4 of the main locations. If we stick with the production schedule, filming will be easier to organise and it will save us a lot of time. Below is the designed production schedule in which you can clearly see we have all allocated ourselves different colours in order for us to see which tasks we will complete in which locations.

We also designed a timetable of when we plan to film our project. The timetable shows dates and times so we all have an idea of when we need to film.

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