Tuesday 7 September 2010

History of Trailers

The first film trailers produced were in the early 1910's. Film trailers have developed in a variety of ways since then.
Gold Rush was a film brought out in 1925. It was directed by Charles Chaplin and featured Charlie Chaplin as the main character.
After watching the trailer above you can clearly see that within the short amount of time it is shown for, it's main focus is the main character. It shows one clip of him being comical, clearly stating this film is a comedy. All sound is cut out and a composition of music is played over the top. The main advancement since this film was released is the addition of colour.
"Becky Sharp" was the first film to be released in 3-strip technicolour. This trailer was produced along side the film in 1935.

After watching the trailer above you can also see that the total time of the film trailer has increased. When film trailers were first brought out they were short promotional films which lasted under a minute whereas this trailer is aslmost 3 times as long as the first film trailer ever made, allowing more time for the audience to view a preview from the film.
A futher development to film trailers is quick cut editing. Today companies such as the Cimarron Group lead the trailer inudstry using mainly quick cut editing for films such as 'Twilight'. In the below trailer of 'Twilight' you can see clear examples of quick cut editing used for effect to show key characters and events within the film.

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