Monday 20 September 2010

Psychological Horror Research- The Grudge film trailers

2004-The Grudge 1.
The film trailer below clearly portrays the previous idea of psychological horror as it clearly shows character fears, guilt and beliefs. It uses eerie sound effects relevant music and emotional instability to build tension and further the plot. This film trailer is an example of a classic film trailer. It shows quick cuts and clips from the film without giving too much away, but also at the same time it gives away enough information for the audience to want to watch the full film- the whole purpose of advertising.

2006- The grudge 2.
The film trailer below is similar to the previous 2004 trailer for 'The Grudge' in that it clearly portrays the idea of psychological horror and that is a good example of an advertising film trailer. It also uses the same text style, that of which is a dark colour scheme, representing darkness and death. It uses similar types of background sounds and similar camera angles, which allows the audience to associate the second trailer to the first. The constant flashing of dark and light colours in both trailers puts the audience 'on the edge of their seat' wondering what is going to happen next.

2009- The grudge 3.
This film trailer differs from the first two. In that the main focus of this trailer is the voice over and the actual sound from the film ,rather than the eerie music. However the eerie sound effects are still played in the background to increase the audiences suspense. This trailer shows what has happened in the past 2 films and then shows what is going to happen in the 3rd. Linking them all together so the audience can see the connection between them. Throughout all 3 trailers, the characters are portrayed as vulnerable showing that the villan/evil force has a lot of control over them.

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